Kirjoittaja Aihe: Sherlock Holmes: Time to be just friends (Holmes/Watson, in English) K-11  (Luettu 1632 kertaa)


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  • Viestejä: 219
Nimi: Time to be just fiends
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes movies(Downey Jr. ja Jude Law)
Genre:  romantiikka, draama?
Raiting: k11 classick lisäili otsikkoon
A/N: Kyseiset lysicsit ovat Amy Winehousen aivan loistavasta kappaleesta Back to Black, joka inspiroi koko fican aloittamiseen, kommentoikaa please ja kertokaa mielipiteenne!:) Kirjoitusvirheistä saa ja kannattaa huomauttaa:)

Watson PoV.

It's never safe for us,
Not even in the evening 'cause
I've been drinking.

It happened for the first time on the eve of my wedding. I was drunk. I can't remember the last time I was so drunk, and the alcohol did its malicious job too well.
Morning was already coming, it was visible in the horizon, and hence we left driving hastily to the wedding place. As the automobil shook trough the forrest-road I felt a certain urge growing inside me. I could only blurt "Holmes!" out of my mouth before it, and I almost jumped off from the vehicle while it still was moving.

"Feeling any better, dear Watson?" my friend asked a bit too happily after I had emptied my stomach insidings to the road bank.

"Come and see for yourself!" I snarled, trying to sound normal, and burped unintentionally. Holmes gave a laugh and actually left vehicle and came next to me. I could hardly stay up and I had to support myself against his shoulder, while the ground was spinning under me.

"Now now, Watson, can't handle a drink?" the man tapped my shoulder and bowed himself lower. "It seems you've eaten fish, I'd say, given the smell of it and - " at the same time my head came too heavy for me to hold it up, but I had the wits to grab hold from Holmes when I fell.

Well, he fell allthesame.

When I could gather my sight again and open my eyes, I realised I was lying on the ground. I closed them again.

”Did we avoid the vomit..?” I lisped.

”Yes, we did,” I heard the low voice next to me.

”Thank God..! Can you help me up, please?”

Holmes rose up and watched my desperate attemption to get up to my feet with amusement. I glanced at him angrily.

”Ease youself,” he said quickly and gave me his hand. I grabbed it, and with a short time with a spinning world, I was up again. Face to face with him.

Then it happened. Other urge billowed inside me, being so strong, so compelling that it startled me. I could only see those dark eyes, I heard only his breathing. My unsure hand gravitated to his vaist.    Holmes watched me and then my hand.

”Watson, do you need help?”

Suddenly I felt like laughing, and so I did, while I let my fingers sank beneath his dark hair. Holmes looked even more confused, biting his lip. How unbearably delicious it looked!

”Watson?” Oh yes, that question!

”No, I don't need any help, thank you very much for asking!” I laughed and pulled his hair gently (at least I think I was gentle). ”I...” I started, but forgot what I was saying, because I wanted him so badly at that very second. I pressed my lips against his. The man answered hard and my knees went, literally, weak.

So it was the first time. The first time I cheated on Mary.

Not in the morning
When you shit works,
It's always dangerous
When everybody's sleeping and
I've been thinking
    Can we be alone
    Can we be alone.

When a newly wed man is lying awake in his wedding bed, by his beautiful wife, in a very early morning, one can only wonder why doesn't the man crawl closer to his wife, and fall peacefully back to sleep.

It's because I couldn't have my peace. Not while those dark, sometimes so manic eyes hunted me. Not while I knew he was downstairs in the library, probably still awake, working on some case in his head.

I tried to merely bite my lip and resist the magnet that was pulling me from the bed, towards the stairs. It didn't work.

I closed the door carefully, at the same time being aware of the gastly guilt that was pounding in my chest. It felt like there were too few stairs, too short a hallway. The library door was in front of me, with a tiny glittering of light below it that came from the room. He was awake.
I felt nervousness fall over me, with my palms sweating, and my mouth drying uncomfortably. I tried to think it over in my head how Holmes would react when I would enter the room, but in my head there was nothing there.

I put my hand on the doorknob, but the door opened at the same second, and I almost collided with Holmes.

“Watson, you really should - “ the man started sharply, but closed his mouth just as sharply. He studied me with narrow eyes.

“I am sorry if I disturbed your thoughts,” I said. I knew he could read me like an open book, and I felt my face turning hot under his eyes. “Holmes, what - “

“Oh, cut that unnecessary crab, will you?” Holmes sighed desperately. He was so close that it made it harder for me to breath.

“Come now, Watson, act you age!” the man said with a laugh, and cupped my face between his hands. “Because schoolboys,” his voice went darker,” like whom you're acting right now, don't do this.”

He bowed his head slowly to my neck, instead of my mouth, and kissed it , slowly. Lips lingered on the sensitive skin, sending hot tingling to my spine. I gasped.

“Close the door,” Holmes said, and pulled me to the library.

Greedy lips met each other, his tongue danced with mine.

I started ripping his shirt off, when I realised that he was fully dressed. “Holmes..!” I groaned. I couldn't hold it anymore, not after all this time of waiting and wanting.

“Fine, I'll help you,” he ejaculated and fastened my job of revealing his delicious skin for my lips to taste. As far as I can remember, I was quite mad at that moment, I couldn't think anything but his lips, his sighs, that matter that I felt growing harder in his trousers.

“Wait, John, stop it!”

I stopped, stunned because he had used my first name. My friend tried to catch his breath and collapsed to the fine velvet couch. His shirt lied on the floor next to my dressing gown.

“What... What's wrong?” I asked, trying to maintain my nerves, while I felt a huge, awful feeling swelling in my chest.

“I merely...” Holmes avoided my glance. “It is like I loose my mind, when you do that, I can't reason, Watson! And what becomes of me if I don't have my wits? What?!” He sounded so desperate that a laugh almost escaped from my lips. I sat next to him and gave a long sigh.

“What are doing here, Holmes?” I wondered aloud. He cought my hand and shook his head.

“What our bodies tell us to, I suppose, dear doctor.”

I turned to look at him, and held both of his hands in mine. His dark eyes wouldn't meet mine.

“There's more to it, and you know it!” I felt compelled to shake him, but I didn't, I just grasped his hands hard. “Sherlock, honestly, I lo - “

“I know it!” He finally looked at me, eyes filled with sad accusation. He pulled his hands away. “Nevertheless, you're the one who got married.”

Holmes stood up and picked his shirt from the floor, dressing himself decent again. My heart ached.

“You should go back to Mary.”


Holmes PoV.

I watched my greatest, my only, friend walk to me from the hideous velvet couch. “I'll come back,” he said and kissed me. I knew what he meant with it. Not today, but someday. He smiled to me briefly and went away. I felt the kiss linger softly on my lips, and I was filled with love for this man, for Dr. John Watson.

Then I shook my head, smiling, and got back to my work.

And no I'm not ashamed,
But the guilt will kill you,
If she don't first....

Though we need to find a time
To do this shit together,
For it gets worse,
I want to touch you,
But that just hurts.

« Viimeksi muokattu: 12.11.2014 10:08:54 kirjoittanut Vanilje »
I'm a consulting detective. The only one in the world - I invented the job.


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  • Viestejä: 46
Vs: Time to be just friends (Holmes/Watson, in English) K-7
« Vastaus #1 : 31.01.2012 18:48:11 »
oioioioioi!!!! Tää englanti on selvästi sun alaas! Sanavalinnat oli aivan ihania, kaikki noi unbearably delicioussit ja kaikki <33 erityisesti rakastin tätä kohtaa:

When a newly wed man is lying awake in his wedding bed, by his beautiful wife, in a very early morning, one can only wonder why doesn't the man crawl closer to his wife, and fall peacefully back to sleep.

en nyt jotenkin enää osaa käyttää lainauksia, joten se on nyt vaan tolleen. Se oli hyvä, että se loppu silleen kesken, mutta miinusta tulee muutamasta kirjotusvirheestä (en oo varma onks ne virheitä, mut mulla on sellanen käsitys.) Yhessä kohassa Holmes sanoo: "Act you age", vaikka eiks se oo: "your"? ja heti alkutiedoissa lukee lyricsien sijasta lysics :) oli viel joku yks tommonen, mut en muista missä.

Ja koska mä tiedän, että sä et pahastu, nii sanon vielä, että ei oo ihan Holmes-maista mennä tollee pussailee vaan Watsonia siinä lopussa.

Mutta siis yleisestikin musta tuntuu, että nää sun eng-kieliset ficit on vielä parempia, kun ne suomenkieliset. Ja tykkäsin tosi paljon tästä ficistä, siihen oli saatu just oikein napattua sen holmes leffan henki sekotettuna kirjaan. mitäs muuta.... no sitä holmesin povia olisin ehkä itte toivonu sun vähän enemmän hiovan, se oli vähän irrallinen, ja ehkä vähän turha. mutta muuten: hahmot: todella eritäin IC ja se miten olit käyttäny sanoja ja järjestystä oikein suli suussa :DD Aivan ihana ficculi


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  • Viestejä: 157
Vs: Time to be just friends (Holmes/Watson, in English) K-7
« Vastaus #2 : 07.02.2012 16:24:25 »

tää oli ihanan mahtavan upeasti kirjotettu.

sydän sydän sydän
en oo lukenu hirveesti mitään enkuks ja tää oli ihana oikeesti.


Lisää Sherlockia, kiitos? <3
En tiedä kuka olen, vieläkään.
Yritän löytää vastauksia maailmaan.
Tykkään niin monesta asiasta, etten laita niitä kaikkia tähän.
Liisa Ihmemaassa on mahtava, kaikissa muodoissaan.
Tee on elämä.


  • ***
  • Viestejä: 219
Vs: Time to be just friends (Holmes/Watson, in English) K-7
« Vastaus #3 : 08.02.2012 20:50:43 »
Kiitos kommenteista rockinficcer ja oromari! Täytyy korjailla niitä kirjoitusvirheitä sieltä kun kerkeän, sen tosiaan kuulusi olla "Your" eikä "you",
kiitos huomautuksesta ja positiivisesta kommentista, nautin englannin kirjoittamisesta juuri sanajärjestyksien ja sanojen takia, joten hienoa kuulla jos
olen siinä onnistunut! Ja kiitos positiivisesta kommentistasi rockinficcer, lisää Sherlockia saattaa joskus olla tulossa, tällä hetkellä on niin
kiire wanhojen kanssa koulussa ettei aika riitä edes asian pohtimiseen, harmi kyllä....:(
I'm a consulting detective. The only one in the world - I invented the job.