Kirjoittaja Aihe: Phineas and Ferb, Take the Pain Away [EN] (S, fluff, zoofilia, Dr.Doof/Perr)  (Luettu 11385 kertaa)


  • Gremlin
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 2 455
Title: Take the Pain Away
Fandom: Phineas and Ferb
Author: Winga
Genres: fluff, humour, oneshot
Rating: S
Pairing: Dr Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
Disclaimer: Disneyn omistamaa, kaikki hahmot ja osa lausahduksistakin.
Warnings: zoofilia
Summary: As usual, Perry entered Dr Doofenshmirtz 'secret laboratory', but the device he found was not like those before.
A/N: Ei, mikään ei ole mulle pyhää. Eivät edes lastenohjelmat... Näin jakson, jossa Doofenshmirtz löysi uuden vihollisen, Peter the Pandan, ja totesin, että näiden kahden välillä on oikeastikin enemmän (on se muutenkin selvää). Päädyin kirjoittamaan tätä, koska a) Fini ei toiminut ja b) seuraavana iltana multa katkaistiin nettiyhteys. I hope you enjoy!
Ja risut ja ruusut otetaan vastaan. Ja tuota... en oikeastaan tiedä, oliko tässä mitään järkeä...

Take the Pain Away

"Doofenshmirtz evil incorporated."

Perry the Platypus pushed the door open. Dr Doofenshmirtz had left it open knowing his nemesis should step in any moment. When Perry saw Doofenshmirtz standing in front of his new device, he stood still. He could see there was something in the device. There was no 'Beware - Doofrozenator' or 'Suckurbrain' sign to be seen but something very different.

'Take the pain away.'

"Ah, Perry the Platypus! I’m glad that you - for once- did use the door."

Perry looked at Doofenshmirtz looking confused. He didn't even realise that Doofenshmirtz had said anything. What pain? he wanted to ask and was sorry for not being able to talk. For being a platypus. So he just stared at Doofenshmirtz and wished the Doctor would understand his silent words.

“The pain given by our strikes against each other, our hatred for so long,” Doofenshmirtz explained. Perry stared at him in wonder, thinking that it was normal, spending so long time being one’s nemesis you’d get to know the other, to understand their wordless sentences.

“Now, you might wonder, why I’ve built that. Well, I thought about you and me and got to a conclusion: there’s more, there has to be. We were meant to be enemies but we were also meant to be something greater, something bigger, something, well, like lovers.”

Perry couldn’t believe he’d heard right. Doofenshmirtz couldn’t have said what he’d heard. Lovers. No, that couldn’t be.

“Yes, I said lovers. I know it sounds weird, but well, as you know me... would I say that if I didn’t mean it?” Doofenshmirtz asked his voice sounding... hopeful? Perry wasn’t sure anymore, not of anything. He would’ve sworn his nemesis had gone mad but then again, hadn’t Doofenshmirtz always been mad? And besides, hadn’t Perry always wished this would happen? He had felt so strongly about the man he stared right now.

“Oh, I wish you could speak and tell me how you feel! Can you write?” Perry nodded hastily and Doofenshmirtz gave him a pen and paper.

Perry started writing. I, also, have known we were meant to be something more. And I now know why I felt so strongly about you. I-

“You did?”

Perry nodded and continued writing. I wish this would end our pain, make us complete. I mean, at least I’ve always felt somehow empty inside... Perry stopped and turned to face Doofenshmirtz.

“Oh, so have I! I’ve felt I’ve got it all but am still missing something! I always kne-”

Perry cut Doofenshmirtz’s sentence by jumping at him and kissing him. After a moment Doofenshmirtz understood what had happened and kissed the platypus back.

“Oh Perry, I’ve always needed this!”

Perry looked at the man with his eyes big and the Doctor knew he was to kiss the platypus until both of them had got rid of their pain.

The End

-jjb lisäsi fandomin otsikkoon
« Viimeksi muokattu: 11.11.2014 00:53:43 kirjoittanut plööt »
"It's just like I always say; if you want to find something weird you have to go downtown."


  • Vieras
Vs: Take the Pain Away (EN)
« Vastaus #1 : 20.09.2008 01:30:06 »
AWW. Sitä tämä ficci juuri on, awwia. Ei liene tarpeellista mainita, että kun tänään taas näin tuon jakson niin awwittelin ja veli hiukan katsoi kuin mielipuolta..
Ihana ficci todellakin. En osaa muuta sanoa :---D


  • Gremlin
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 2 455
Vs: Take the Pain Away (EN)
« Vastaus #2 : 21.09.2008 14:14:02 »
Minttushka: Well, siellä lukee humor. Saa siis nauraa.
:D ihhih, se innoittaa, varsinkin kuumeessa. Tacks, hani.

Alera: :D Kiitos. Ja tuo jakso on niiiin ihana, niiiin ihana. Minun pikkuveli on niin tottunu, että se ymmärtäs (koska se lukikin tän...)
"It's just like I always say; if you want to find something weird you have to go downtown."