Kirjoittaja Aihe: I always knew, but it still hurt | S | Harry/Lucius | tuplaraapale |in English  (Luettu 4331 kertaa)


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  • Viestejä: 401
  • Ava ja bann by Ingrid.
Nimi: I always knew, but it still hurt
Kirjoittaja: Kuolonsyöjäprinsessa
Genre: draama, angst
Ikäraja: S
Paritus: Harry/Lucius pienesti
Varoitukset: maininta kuolemasta
Disclaimer: En omista muuta kun tämän fikin, enkä saa rahallista korvausta.

I always knew, but it still hurt

Sadness, panic, pain, heartbreak, confirmation...

Those were the feelings Harry felt when Lucius, his Lucius, appeared next to Voldemort. Of course Harry had known that Lucius would choose Voldemort over him some day but he still had let himself fall in love with the man. Voldemort's words felt like nothing next to Lucius'. Tears ran through Harry's face as he watched his Lucius smirking before the man slowly raised his wand and clearly said: "Crucio". Harry didn't scream, he didn't move or even close his eyes. He just stared straight into his Lucius' cold eyes. He didn't know how long it lasted but he didn't feel anything when Lucius finally lowered his wand. Harry only felt his heart breaking.

After a few minutes, or hours, Harry wasn't sure, Voldemort asked for his last words. Harry, tears still streaming down his face, locked his eyes with Lucius and whispered: "I love you". Voldemort laughed coldly before raising his wand and finally saying the words he was known for. Harry never took his eyes from Lucius' and was glad about it, because just before the green light got him, he saw Lucius mouthing: "I love you too".

Harry Potter, 18, "the savior of the Wizarding world", died smiling.

Real friends don't get offended when you insult them. They smile and call you something even more offensive.