Kirjoittaja Aihe: Glee, Shower curtain days | Blaine/Kurt | K11, romance, fluffy, angst  (Luettu 1840 kertaa)


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Title: Shower curtain days
Author: Zacharias
Rating: K11
Pairing: Blaine/Kurt(/Finn)
Fandom: Glee
Genre: romance, fluffy, angst
Summary: The way it seemed like it would’ve been just one of the Kurt’s dreams, just that there was Blaine instead of Finn.

Spoilers included. If you haven’t watched Glee season 3 and episode 5, then I think you should just walk away.

A/N: My first English fanfiction. No guarantee of putting the right words into the places, but I try my best to not to screw this thing up the worst possible way. Oh yeah, and I sort of felt this way, when I watched S03E05, so…

Shower curtain days

Kurt Hummel was madly in love with Blaine Anderson. Everyone saw it, and everyone talked about it. Even his dad Burt and Finn always noticed how Kurt’s cheeks got red when he was with Blaine. It made Kurt feels safe, being around him. He felt more like those superheroes in the movies, than that baby penguin, who didn’t knew what courage was all about. And it was amazing. Blaine always showed him other worlds and brought him back to the earth when he most needed it to. Kurt loved himself more, than ever. So when coming to the situation he was now on, it should’ve felt right.

He should’ve just said that he loved Blaine more than anything in the world, and that nothing would have make him feel better than giving himself to Blaine. Giving everything he had. Heart, soul, even a little bit of that courage he was just given. And oh how he wanted to do that. He wanted it more than being a star on Broadway. Kurt just wanted to be Blaine’s, like Blaine was his. Cause wasn’t that, what people who are in love usually does?

But even though he loved Blaine, he couldn’t stop dreaming. And that’s why he felt so wrong being there, being in the Blaine’s room and saying, that he was ready.

Kurt Hummel just wanted to get over it already. When he smiled with Blaine, and Finn walked in, he couldn’t but stop smiling to his boyfriend and turn his head into his brother’s way. He didn’t love Finn; he actually didn’t know what he felt for him. He just remembered boy in the shower curtain, fighting against of the football team. And that was exactly what Blaine had done also, defending on Kurt to Karofsky. But Kurt couldn’t let it go. Every night he saw the same dream over and over again. Finn dressed out as shower curtain and saying, that he were there just because of Kurt. And Kurt didn’t know was it right lo let go of something that was there for him. When Finn had danced with Kurt, it only had messed up with his head more, than it already was.

And now Kurt was in the auditorium, watching Blaine dancing on the stage. Boy’s feet touched the ground lightly and the lights shadowed his face correctly. The way it seemed like it would’ve been just one of the Kurt’s dreams, just that there was Blaine instead of Finn. Kurt walked behind the curtain and smiled.
“Hi”, he said to Blaine and the boy stopped dancing.
“Hi, Kurt. I was just thinking about you”, Blaine said. Last time they were talking, it was when Blaine was ultimately drunk after one bier. Or at least that was what he had said. Kurt guessed he had taken a lot more of it.
“I’m sorry about the thing what happen, I mean, at the car”, Blaine looked terrible sorry, and Kurt believed that he was. The whole situation had been awkward, and it had made Kurt feel himself distressed.
“Oh, it’s okay”, Kurt said. Blaine took his hand and put it close to his heart.
“I love you”, Blaine said and asked then, if Kurt would have liked to come with him to the after party of West Side Story that Artie was hosting.
“No”, Kurt said. He knew that this was his only chance. And he was going to use it.
“I want to go to your place.”

Lying next to Blaine few hours after, he felt complete. There was no rush, and even though it wasn’t maybe a right reason, he still felt like it couldn’t have happen anyway other. He had given himself completely to the boy he loved, and who he knew loved him more than anything. And while he listened to Blaine snoring quietly in the night, he turned his head to the sealing. The shower curtain days were over, and Kurt had let it go.

Wish he would’ve just known, that Finn wasn’t.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 29.11.2014 18:14:00 kirjoittanut Beyond »
l'univers nous reprend,
rien de nous ne subsiste


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Pahoittelen jo etukäteen tätä kommenttia, josta tiedän tulevan jotain aivan muuta kuin arkentava jo ennen kuin olen alkanut kirjoittamaankaan sitä. Mutta koska Klaine ja koska Finn saan ihkuttaa. Saanhan?
Tai no. Ihkutan joka tapauksessa.

Olit onnistunut tässä yhdistämään hienosti Klainen ja Hurtin. (Katso, osaan jo käyttää tuota nimimashupia!) Klaine oli sitä mitä Klaine on, fluffuista ja romanttista. Ja klexistä taisin saada enemmän irti sinun after-kohtauksesta kuin sarjan 'pannaan housut jalassa'-beforesta. Kurt oli ihanan IC, ja Blaine myös. Blaine sinun Kurtin kuvaamana on aina ihanaa luettavaa, osaat tehdä siitä joka kerta hyvällä tavalla samanlaisen ja kuitenkin niin erilaisen. Ja sait tähän sen saman 8paremman sanan puutteessa) ristiriidan, joka on sarjassa: kännissä Blaine ei osaa kontrolloida itseään sitten ollenkaan, selvinpäin se pyytelee anteeksi kaikkea sanomaansa silmät suurina ja tahtoo saada takaisin sen itsekontrollin, jonka aina välillä kadottaa. Se, että Kurt antoi anteeksi, oli - no, you know us klainers. Hetken mietin, että jos sinun Kurt sanoisikin Blainelle, että joo mennään vaan sinne jatkoille, mutta sinun sängyssähän minä en nuku.
Hurt taas - miten tällaista täydellisyyttä voi kuvailla? Lainataan:
The shower curtain days were over, and Kurt had let it go.
But Finn hadn't. Sehän tämän parituksen on kääntänytkin ylösalaisin. Kurtin ihastus on laimentunut ja mennyt ohi. Kurtilla on Blaine. Finnillä on Rachel, mutta Finn on tajunnut liian myöhään, mitä on Kurtissa menettänyt. Kurt on Finnin veli, ei muuta. Se, miten olit onnistunut haalimaan Kudson-fanoniaCANONIA kannattelevat hetket samaan ficciin ja kirjoittamaan niistä kokonaisen tarinan, oli upeaa! Theatricality ja Finnin suihkuverho ovat rakkaus. I love you Just the way you are.
Ja se, miten sait Finnin tuntemuksetkin tähän:
Wish he would’ve just known, that Finn wasn’t.
sai mun sydämen heittämään kuperkeikkaa.

Sen pituinen se ja minun sunnuntaista tuli täydellinen ♥