Kirjoittaja Aihe: Star Wars: Confused Soldier | K-11 | in English | short ficlet  (Luettu 1926 kertaa)


  • amateur
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  • Viestejä: 7
Nimi: Confused Soldier
Kirjoittaja: fictarella
Fandom: Star Wars
Ikäraja: K-11 (tästä en ollut ihan varma vaihdoin topicin paikkaa jo kerran.)
Genre: drama, angst
Yhteenveto: Finn has lost Rey and decides not to feel responsible.
Disclaimer: Olen vain ottanut hahmot, ja kirjoittanut niistä pienen pätkän itseni ja teidän viihteeksenne. En siis omista mitään, enkä saa töistäni rahaa.
A/N: Nyt on sitten ensimmäinen ficletini ikinä finissä julkaistu. Kyllä on kuumottavaa. Otaathan huomioon lukiessasi, että en ole alunperin englanninkielinen, joten kirjoitustaitoni ei ehkä ole sitä aidon englantilaisen luokkaa, but i have tried. Koen kyllä taitavani englannin kielen ihan hyvin omaksi ikäisekseni.

Confused Soldier

He watched, helpless, as the door closed behind her. This wasn’t right. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. He had wanted a happy ending. Everything had been going fine until the collapse of the first order. Rey had abandoned him for the monster.

No, Finn didn’t like the way things were going. Rey had fallen for him. He was sure. She had fallen, so had he. Their happy ending had just slipped right through his fingers. He was confused. He didn’t know if he wanted to kill the bastard, kill Rey or just kill himself. He didn’t recognise the feelings. He couldn't say if it was hate, misery, rage, despair or slight relief. He had always known that Rey and the monster had an unexplainable bond, but he couldn't point it out as love at the time. He should've known.

Finn took one sharp inhale and let one tiny, salty tear escape from his eye. That was all, he decided. He was not going to cry after her. Not now, not ever. Not after her betrayal. She had gone to the person he had escaped. Now she was the traitor, not him. Not anymore.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 14.02.2016 19:05:01 kirjoittanut fictarella »