Kirjoittaja Aihe: You're such a fugitive. K-11  (Luettu 1456 kertaa)


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You're such a fugitive. K-11
« : 03.01.2011 22:23:57 »
Author: Dani.
Beta: None, not even Word this time.
Disclaimer: Half is mine, and the other half belongs to Arctic Monkeys, since I believe they own the song Old yellow bricks, of which I got my inspiration.
Rating: K-11, mainly because of the language used. Swearing, that is.
Pairing: Jeremy/Daniel
Genre: Songfiction, angst(kind of), drama, ficlet.
Summary: This city had waken up a long time ago.
Warnings: Mainly just swearing.

A/N: So yeah, 's been a while since I wrote in English. Feels nice writing like this for a change, really. This time it's kind of short, since I didn't have much time, and I wanted to finish it quickly. I might've written this in about twenty minutes or so, beware for any typos.

You're such a fugitive.

Who the fuck wants to live in a city that never wakes up? Not me. Definitely not me, and still I'm stuck here, with my grandparents who don't give a flying shit about me.

My twat of a grandfather goes on bitching about my clothes, how I use makeup, and how boys shouldn't grow long hair. He looks at me like I was worthless. There are millions of places better than this, I'm sure, but that joke of a God threw me here, after deciding that some cunt had to collide cars with my mom and dad. Great, huh?

You have to live your own life here without letting anyone in, don't love anyone, hate everyone.

old yellow bricks, love's a risk.
quite the little escapologist, looked so miffed.
when you wished for a thousand places better than this.


   "What the fuck are you running away from, seriously Dan?"

Jeremy asks, frustrated with me. Anyone would be by now, having been made to watch me for three weeks. Been made to watch my moodswings to one way or another.

   "I'm not running away from anything, believe me. There's nothing to run away from. There's absolutely nothing here."

And that's definitely where I make a mistake. There is something to run away from. I want to run away from everything. I want to run away from him. From love. I didn't love anyone, not before, not now. But that's probably just me denying the fact that I love everything here. Right down to those old yellow bricks this goddamn house was made of.

   "What about me then? You never liked me? Well just for the record, I fucking adore you. I love you Daniel, you goddamn twat. Why can't you just accept the fact that you've been running away from it all for too fucking long. "

   "'Cause I'm not running away from anything. It's just as fucking simple as that."

But both of us damn right know, that I am lying. I can't fool anyone.

you are the fugitive, but you don't know what you're running from.
you cant kid us, and you couldn't trick anyone.
houdini, love, you don't know what you're running away from.

Who wants to sleep in a city that never wakes up? Well, still not me, but there was something I didn't know until now. This city had waken up a long time ago.

So that's it. Please leave a comment, I'll  be thankful.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 07.06.2016 20:46:33 kirjoittanut Arte »
I'm Gotham's reckoning, here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on.

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Paraikaa käynnissä fini-hiatus, joka kestää määräämättömän ajan.


  • wild
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  • Viestejä: 286
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Vs: You're such a fugitive.
« Vastaus #1 : 04.01.2011 21:09:38 »
aispe: Kivaa, kun oli edes pieni välipala teksti :).

No onneksi laitoit, ihan ekana jopa kommenttia, vaikkakin vain tuon yhden kohdan takia. Kiitos siitä.

You ain't the only one to want someone to fucking adore them.

HEI MUUTEN, päätin justiinsa, että kirjustan varmaan enemmänkin Danista ja Jerrestä koskakoska tuohon yhtyeen tuotanto -haasteeseen, ja niistä tulee silleen pidempiä.

Tästä tuli lyhyt koska olin laiska eikä mulla ollut _mitään kirjotusohjelmaa ja päätin sitten että olkoon tämä mnu ensimmäinen ficlet. Ja tiedätsä, mä rakastan sua ainakin ikuisesti jos kommentoit niihin toisiinkin vinkvink kiitos ehkä jo etukäteen depends on you.

-Dani, ja hänen äärimmäisen selkeä vastauksensa for a change (or not).
I'm Gotham's reckoning, here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on.

avatar by raitis

Paraikaa käynnissä fini-hiatus, joka kestää määräämättömän ajan.


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  • Viestejä: 11
Vs: You're such a fugitive.
« Vastaus #2 : 04.01.2011 23:38:11 »
Mmmmh! Tykkään, tykkään ihan hirmusti! Toimii loistavasti näin lyhyenä pätkänä, ei kaipaa enempiä selityksiä. Taustat ytimekkäästi selville, ja Jeremy piiloon, tai siitäkin esiin vain se, että se on tärkeä. Toimii.

Kielioppivirheitä ei hypännyt silmiin, en kyllä edes etsinyt. Mutta varsin kivaa lukea jotain tällasta vuoden ekana nettificcinä. Thanks, lad!
Wanted a heart, wanted a soul
More than anything else in this world

- The 69 Eyes: Brandon Lee


  • wild
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 286
  • necessary evil
    • tumblah
Vs: You're such a fugitive.
« Vastaus #3 : 05.01.2011 16:15:28 »
aispe: kiitoskiitos :3joo, saa kelvata XD

rayas: Hurr, kivaa kun tykkäät :)

Okei mä en ihan ymmärtänyt tota yhtä kohtaa tuosta, mutta joo kiitos kommentista ja niin eespäin :')

Sure, bloke :)

I'm Gotham's reckoning, here to end the borrowed time you've all been living on.

avatar by raitis

Paraikaa käynnissä fini-hiatus, joka kestää määräämättömän ajan.