Kirjoittaja Aihe: Doctor Who: Goodbye, Rose Tyler. |S| fluffy, angst Ten/Rose, in English  (Luettu 1933 kertaa)


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Nimi: Goodbye, Rose Tyler.
Kirjoittaja: Vlad
Fandom: Doctor Who
Ikäraja: S
Genre: Fluffy(?), angst
Paritus: Ten/Rose
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. I don't get money or any other profit.
A/N: Toinen ficcini kokonaan englanniksi ja tätä oli yllättävän hauska kirjoittaa. Tässä on tarkoitus olla vähän fluffyakin joukossa, mutta jostain syystä angst nousi vähän korkeampaan asemaan, kuin alunperin ehkä pitikään. Toivottavasti kukaan ei pelästy ja jätä lukematta tätä tuon kielen takia ja kommentit kelpaavat aina : D Tämä teksti osallistuu Ystävänpäivähaasteeseen.

The Doctor hurried to the TARDIS and without looking behind him, he knew Rose was following. They had just escaped the daleks and now they just wanted a moment in peace. A moment in peace – together. The Doctor pressed some buttons on the TARDIS console and a familiar noise filled the console room. Rose stood in the corner leaning on the wall and she stared the brown-haired man who smiled at her and ruffled his hair. A huge smile spread to her face.

“Where are we going?” she asked. The Doctor just smiled in his own way and Rose sighed. “Doctor? Where?”
“A place I know you will love,” he said quietly and her heart made a funny little jump inside her chest. Those words always meant that he wanted to surprise her. And this time she didn’t mind being surprised. She smiled and he reflected her smile back to her.

“Would you lend me a helping hand, Rose?”
“Sure. What you –“
The Doctor interrupted her in mid-sentence with instructions, “Take that – no, not that one – yes, exactly that – and hold it. Don’t pull it, just hold it. I tell you when you pull it, right?” He turned his back to Rose and went to have a look of the monitor on the opposite side of the console.
“All right, Rose, pull.”

She pulled and then tried to maintain her balance when TARDIS made a rough landing. The Doctor laughed and got to his feet from the floor where he had fallen and smiled.

“Nice landing, Rose.”
“You should have told me I’m gonna land this box.”
“I thought you knew it. How many times I have asked for your aid?” He smiled and then pulled his coat on and took Rose’s hand. “C’mon.”

They took their first step out of the TARDIS together. When outside, Rose took a look around and the view made her breathless. Sky was strange-coloured (some peculiar shade of pink) and the ground was covered with a soft, red moss and the clouds drifting in the sky were fluffy and the colour of pure white snow. It was a spectacular view and to her embarrassment Rose noticed tears in her eyes.

“It’s so beautiful,” she whispered.
The Doctor smiled. “Yeah, it is. Wanna see some more?”
“Sure thing.”

He led Rose over the gently rolling hills and his hand was still in hers. Somehow Rose thought Doctor’s warm touch was quite soothing and calming. It made her feel safe. The Doctor was here, she was safe, nothing bad was going to happen. But still something lurked in her heart. Fear, bad feelings, an idea that something wasn’t the way it should be. However, she kept her mouth shut and concentrated just on enjoying this moment alone with her Doctor.

“Here we are then!” he said suddenly and sat of the soft moss pulling Rose after him.
“What is this place?” Rose asked again.
“Umm, it has quite a long name. You will be bored to death even before I will finish it, so, let’s call it simply an áit an-áthas agus grá."
“And what on earth does that mean?” she laughed.
“Well, shortly it means the place of joy...” He was silent for a moment and the added quietly, “and love.”
Rose looked surprised. “Really? How lovely name. Kinda fitting, I think.”
“Yeah, well, I think it could be a bit shorter, though.”
“Stop it, it’s perfect.”

He laughed and pulled her a bit closer. He wanted to feel her in his arms, hold her, smell her, experience her. Rose leaned on the Doctor and put her arms around him, took him into an embrace and both of them felt a sudden jolt of joy. And they sat there quietly as the hours passed and pink sky started to grow scarlett.

“We should go now, Rose.”

They started to make their way to the TARDIS. They were still holding hands and there was quite a grinn on Doctor’s face. He was happy, he wasn’t alone and he had found someone he wanted to be with. He stopped and pulled Rose back to him. He looked into her questioning eyes and swallowed hard. He wasn’t used to this kind of situations. Then he just smiled and let her go.

“To the TARDIS. Shoo. I’ll follow you as soon as possible. Wanna check something.”

He watched how Rose ran to the blue police box and disappeared into it. He took a deep breath and looked around him and then walked over another small hill and sat. He wanted to think. He closed his eyes and leaned back, lying on the soft ground. Gentle breeze touched his skin and his hair.

“Doctor! Are you coming?”

He got to feet and started to walk to the TARDIS. Rose was waiting outside her and tapping the ground by her foot. He smiled. It was Rose, her Rose. Always his.

“I should take you back to your parallel world. Jackie and Pete are waiting for you.”
“I want to be with you, Doctor,” she whisperer. Sorrow filled her voice.
“It impossible, Rose. The gap is closing. I have risked far too much now. You really should go back.” But even as he said these words his heart was screaming. He didn’t want Rose to go but she had to.

He disappeared inside the TARDIS and went to the console. He stabilized the controls and took them to the journey back to the parallel world. Rose stood beside the Doctor teary-eyed and tried to hide her pain from him. He noticed her tears but ignored them. He couldn’t do anything to help her pain.

“Rose, mind if you take that switch over there. Turn it ninety degrees to the left and leave it there.”

The TARDIS landed softly and the Doctor opened the door to Rose.

“After you,” he said quietly.

Jackie and Pete stood on the beach waiting for them. Darlig Ulv Stranden, north of Bergen, Norway, parallel Earth. It was his time to say his final goodbyes to Rose. Suddenly he didn’t want to leave her here. He wanted to take her with him to all the adventures-to-be. But he couldn’t.

“Rose, it’s our last moment to say our last goodbyes.”
“Doctor...” Rose’s voice broke. He took her into his arms and just held her there.

“Doctor, I – I love you.”

I know, he wanted to say but he couldn’t spat it out. He just held her tight in his arms and let her cry. Finally he stepped away and touched gently her face with his forefinger and whispered,

“Rose Tyler, I love you. I wish I could take you with me but I can’t.”

Rose smiled weakly and pressed her lips to his. Their first and only kiss was long and sweet but eventually he had to step away and whisper, “I have to go now, Rose.”

Rose cried and whispered, “Will I ever see you again?”
His tried to smile but it went awry. “No, you won’t. You will never see me again.”

Then he disappeared inside the TARDIS and left the parallel world, leaving Rose cry alone to the beach.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 31.01.2013 19:18:43 kirjoittanut Vlad »
I love not man the less, but N A T U R E more.




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Tervehdys kommenttikampanjasta, ja anteeksi lievä myöhäisyyteni! :> Kuten sulle olenkin jo sanonut, tämä oli tosi kivaisa ficci, eikä Ten/Rosea ole koskaan liikaa. En olekaan tainnut finissä aiemmin lukea mitään ficciä englanniksi, mutta mielestäni tämä oli siltäkin osin oikein onnistunut. Toki englanninkielistä tekstiä on vähän vaikeampi arvioida, mutta tykkäsin silti kielenkäytöstäsi tässä kovasti - englantisi on sujuvaa mutta selkeää, jollain tapaa juuri tähän sarjaa sopivaa. Paikoitellen maalailit todella kauniisti myös esimerkiksi miljöötä;

Sky was strange-coloured (some peculiar shade of pink) and the ground was covered with a soft, red moss and the clouds drifting in the sky were fluffy and the colour of pure white snow.

Ten/Rose oli tässä luonnollisesti tosi aaww, juuri sellaista kun pitääkin! Voisin aivan hyvin kuvitella nuo alun kohtaukset johonkin jaksoon kuuluvaksi, voih. ♥ Loppu särki sydämeni, mutta no, samalla se oli kovin sopiva fandomia ajatellen; Ten/Rosen tapauksessahan angst ja fluffy alinomaa vuorottelevat. Minusta tässä olikin tosi kiva oivallus nimenomaan se, ettei tämä ollut pelkästään fluffya tai angstia.

“Rose, it’s our last moment to say our last goodbyes.”

Kiitos tästä! ♥
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Okakettu, kiitus<3 tämän piti olla pelkkää fluffya ihan alunperin, mutta se angst puski sinne. Iih, ihana kommenttisi puhalsi kaikki ajatukset tiehensä, joten tyydyn vain hymyilemään kauniisti ja sanomaan isot kiitokset. Saa nähdä, jos jatkaisin englanniksi kirjoittamista, oli sen verran kivaa. Ja jotenkin tämä fandom on helpoin ja ihanin kirjoittaa englanniksi. Ja hauskaa, jos alku sopisi johonkin jaksoonkin, kirjoitin tätä nimittäin kuvitellen tämän joksikin lyhyeksi jaksoksi kahden jakson väliin.
I love not man the less, but N A T U R E more.

