Kirjoittaja Aihe: Game of Thrones: Why Women Shouldn't Rule | Parodia | K11 (SPOILAA)  (Luettu 1808 kertaa)

Beatrix Bones

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Title: Why Women Shouldn't Rule
Author: Beatrix Bones
Genre: Huumori
Fandom: Game of Thrones
Rating: K11
Warnings: Mainintoja ja vihjailuja insestistä.
Disclaimer: En omista Game of Thronesin hahmoja tai paikkoja tai muuta vastaavaa.

A/N: Ensimmäisenä huomiona, että SPOILAA viimeistä tuotantokautta, lukeminen tätä lausetta pidemmälle omalla vastuulla. Mä kirjottelin tän ficin jo monta viikkoa sitten, mutta sain nyt vasta aikaiseksi lisätä tännekin. Huomautan, että mä en itse ajattele missään nimessä sitä, että naisten ei pitäisi olla vallankahvassa, mä itse pidän sitä tärkeänä, että naisiakin pääsisi nykyistä enemmän toimitusjohtajiksi ja korkeampiin asemiin yhteiskunnassa sekä yksityisellä sektorilla. Kuitenkin mä (kuten varmasti moni muu) on kuullut vitsejä ja nähnyt meemejä siitä, mitä tapahtuu, jos naiset saisivat hallita. No, tätä King's Landingin tuhoamista koskevaa jaksoa katsoessa mä aloin ajatella, että Danyssa muuten kiteytyy tosi paljon näitä kliseisiä vitsejä ja jakson jälkeen julkaistuista meemeistä huomasin, että muutama muukin nähtävästi ajattelee samalla tavalla. Niinpä mä sain inspiraation kirjoitella tällaisen ficin aiheesta "miksi naisten ei pitäisi hallita". Fic on englanniksi syystä, että mun on helpompi leikitellä kielellä enkuksi. Toivottavasti nautitte!

Why Women Shouldn’t Rule

You all have encountered jokes about why women shouldn’t rule the world and what would happen if for some unfortunate reason they were ruling the world. It is said that women are too emotional and if they were leading countries, those countries with women leaders would not be talking to each other. Well, Daenerys Targaryen is the perfect example why women shouldn’t rule the world. Thus, I took a freedom to play with some popular movie titles (of course suitable for the situation) to give you a hint of what I’m talking about: The whole city was Gone with the Fire, Daenerys was clearly influenced by the movie One Flew Over Cersei’s Nest, there was clearly The Sound of Terror present, and Daenerys also loved the movie Some Like It Hot (this one didn’t even need any adjustments for the situation).

Just think about it. The majority of you might know that Jordan Belfort (hint: Leonardo DiCaprio played him in the movie) was called The Wolf of Wall Street and he was basically the king of Wall Street in the 1990s, so why did Daenerys feel the need to give herself a few more titles: Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men… I mean, that’s just the first half of her titles, Jordan Belfort needed only the one. I think you get the point. And what about when she heard that she and Jon Snow were related? Okay, to be fair they didn’t know that when they started their sexual relations but for God’s sakes, what kind of an aunt is still fucking her nephew? I have to admit that the nephew is hot but didn’t you learn anything from Cersei’s and Jamie’s twincest? Do you really want another Joffrey? Apparently, a person representing Monday wasn’t enough since they were ready to take the risk to give birth to a child who could have become a face representing a well-known Finnish phenomenon called Liskojen yö (or Liskodisko). And he wouldn’t be his own cousin, he would be his own… great-nephew? I don’t even know, my brain died in the attempt to figure this one out.

Daenerys is also a perfect example of a really bad mom. When Cersei was clearly intending to kill Missandei and that girl called Dracarys, what did that dragon do? Nothing. The whole thing in its entire absurdity reminded me of sending a Whatsapp message to my friend and not receiving an answer, the app only showing a text Seen under the message I sent. To talk about bad upbringing and back-stabbing bitches. I mean, if my kid saw that someone – and I actually thought that Missandei was Dany’s best friend – was about to be killed, I sure would like him or her to save the person in need of help or there would be hell to pay. Well, in some way there was hell to pay but the badly behaving kid wasn’t on the receiving end.

The statement of women being too emotional to lead is… well… Okay, I just think that Daenerys snapped or became crazy or something. We have to remember that her father was the Mad King so this was bound to happen. Like, was she really so hurt because Missandei died? Or she thought that Jon Snow didn’t love her anymore? I’ll have to add to my to-do list that the next time I think that my boyfriend doesn’t love me, I’m going to burn a whole town. Thanks for the tip. I’m leaning towards two options: either she just became crazy or then she thought that it would be cool to burn the town while riding the dragon. It might be an option that she just hated Cersei that much but given what we know about women who hate each other (that they are more likely to give each other silent treatment instead of killing each other) I don’t think that hatred was behind this. She just cray-cray.

Oh, and just a friendly reminder that it would have been really easy to just kill Cersei by commanding Dracarys to breathe fire to her when she was being served on a silver platter during Missandei’s execution, but no. It is understandable that it wouldn’t have been as much fun as burning the whole city down and killing tens of thousands (give or take a few thousand) innocent people while riding a dragon. Such a lovely day for everyone. Dany just wanted to watch the world burn. She reminds me of those criminals who first rob a bank and then decide to burn the money.

I mean, King’s Landing did surrender.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 09.06.2019 18:46:09 kirjoittanut Beatrix Bones »
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