Kirjoittaja Aihe: Hobitti | The Watcher on the Hill, S, in English  (Luettu 1246 kertaa)


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Title: The Watcher on the Hill
Author: LillaMyy
Rating: S
Fandom: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Character: Beorn
Genre: possibly a bit of angst
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters except the ones I’ve made up, and I don’t claim that this ever happened. Neither do I get any monetary profit for writing this.
Summary: Just some ponderings concerning Beorn in the movie…
Challenges: Kerää kaikki hahmot (Beorn) and Kirjoitusterttu (lajityyppiterttu: raapale)
A/N: I’ve watched too much extra material from the Extended Version of the Desolation of Smaug, because I can no longer keep my inspiration from flying. So, this is my interpretation of Beorn based on the extended movie and the extra material on the DVD.

The Watcher on the Hill

He watched from a hilltop as the dwarfish company (along with the wizard and the hobbit) passed away into the distance and patrolled for the hunting orcs. He hated orcs more than anything else on this good earth. They had killed most of his family and taken the rest of them, including himself, as prisoners. To this day he wore a piece of his shackles on his left wrist. Not that he couldn’t take them off; he only kept them to remind himself of what he’d lost. What he’d once had. This was why he helped the dwarves.

Beorn padded across the hilltop but saw no signs of the orcs. He couldn’t even smell any new tracks of them, but that meant only that they hadn’t crossed his path. At least not yet.

Later he found new tracks of the orcs leading them further away from Mirkwood. They had apparently been called off the hunt, though he couldn’t tell why as they so clearly outnumbered the dwarves and their company. He changed back into his human form and slumped back to his house. It was time to end his watch when there was no more anything to watch out for.

"Durin's folk do not flee from a fight."
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