Kirjoittaja Aihe: Oz: No Pity | k11, oneshot, Englanniksi  (Luettu 1761 kertaa)


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Oz: No Pity | k11, oneshot, Englanniksi
« : 04.05.2010 23:49:30 »
No pity

Author: magrat
Rating: k11
Fandom: Oz
Characters: Beecher, Ryan
Warnings: Language(Kielenkäyttö) Wanha
Disclimer: I don't own any of this. (But the story!)

A/N: This is basically Ryan thinking about his relationship towards Beecher; what he should think about the pathetic, weak, ex lawyer Beecher has become. This is also ME training my English. There are some new phrases and sayings that I wanted to try. Also I wanted to write sort of the Rudest text I have ever written in English. I couldn't think of a better field than Oz. I hope you enjoy! :)

Suomeksi: Eli tässä Ryan miettii suhdettaan Beecheriin ja sitä, kuinka hänen tulisi suhtautua tähän säälittävään ex-lakimieheen. Tämä on kirjoitettu puhtaasti siitä syystä, että halusin kirjoittaa jotain englanniksi. Ja nimeomaan jotain jossa on mahdollisimman paljon kirosanoja. Tämä on Wanha kuin taivas, mutta kun nyt ajattelin tosissani aloittaa kirjoittamisen uudelleen, luin tämän inspiraationa. Siinä mielessä tämä on tuore. :)


“That is pathetic.”
“No, that’s fucking robbery. Big ol’ Vern is blockin my richest costumer.”
A reproaching look.
“You ever think anything but benefits?”
“Well,” Ryan grabs his balls. “But nope. Gotta be goin’.”
Augustus is left behind, muttering and peeling an orange.

Seeing Beecher, the ex-lawyer-alcoholic-pussy current addict-pussy-bitch, (and what a progress that is) is a pathetic look, Ryan thinks. Life is a bitch, every man to himself and shit. The bottom line is Ryan has his own problems.
Out of sight, out of mind Ryan decides and rushes out of the cafeteria.
“Hey Ryan!”
“Don’t’ call me Ryan.”
“Since what?”
“Since you don’t pay.”
“I pay. I just got the money from my mom. And I only need one.”
“’Kay, but you still owe me a lot.”

One has no reason to pity happy people.

Later it is nice to get high with Beecher. At some point, the bitch has drop off his pussy. (“Yeah, fuck him!”)
“Keane got killed anyways.”
“I know. However, it’s not my fault. I’m shit, and you know I was fucked. Besides I’m not a lawyer anymore.”
Or not.

An amusing newsflash: He likes the lawyer high. (‘Least he doesn’t hate him.) When Beecher is high, he is not pitiful. People are happy when they are high and one has no reason to pity happy people. Ryan doesn’t like to pity people. (He has done his share pitying himself all his life.)

People are happy when they are high, expect when they’re not.
“Have you ever been fucked up the ass?”
“Hell no, I’m no bitch.”
“Neither am I.”
That is just ridiculous.
“Fuck that, a bitch is a bitch is a bitch. And you are one.”
“Yeah, I guess I am,” he needs a pause to giggle. “Don’t talk to me about bitchin’!”
And they both laugh for no reason.

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