Kirjoittaja Aihe: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: My Princess (S) In English  (Luettu 2012 kertaa)

Pikku Lupin

  • ***
  • Viestejä: 26
  • Ava by: Lauranood
Ficin nimi: My Princess
Kirjoittaja(t): Pikku Lupin
Oikolukija/Beta: Ikävä kyllä, ei sellasta tällä hetkellä ole :c
Fandom: Buffy the vampire Slayer /plööt merkkasi fandomin otsikkoonkin
Tyylilaji/Genre: Fluffy, Drama
Ikäraja: S
Paritus/Päähenkilöt: Buffy/Spike (Ei kauheesti esillä) ja Poika/Prinsessa
Vastuunvapaus: En omista Buffya enkä Spikea vaan ne kuuluvat Joss Whedonille
A/N: Joo tämä on siis minun ensimmäinen ficcini englanniksi, joten varsinkin ilman betaa voi muutamia virheitä löytyä... Huomauttakaa vapaasti, mutta huomatkaa että teksti on kirjoitetu hieman slangimaisella amerikan englannilla. Toivottavasti nautitte. Please R&R

My Princess

“Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. Well, she didn’t live like a princess, ‘cause she was lost. And no one did know where she was. The princess thought that she’d to be in hide. She lived like normal people and hides her power. She’d lovely golden curls. And ye, she was really pretty. 

Ye, there also was a guy. He didn’t be a prince. But he knew where the princess was. Boy was evil. He enjoyed kill people and tortured them. He never told anyone who princess was, ‘cause them could return the princess there where she belong. Anyway, boy was decided that he’ll kill the princess.
Then that boy found her. He looks her big green orbs and he loved it. Boy thought that he couldn’t breathe. Well, what I can say? Boy fell in love. But then he realized that the princess never could love him, ‘cause he was evil. He felt that he couldn’t live without the princess. He thought that maybe, if he’d been good again, then the princess could love him.
Then the princess noticed him too and she turns up her nose. Boy turns away his face. He couldn’t look at her disgusted. Princess turns away and leave boy stood alone. Boy felt like he’d run after the princess, but he couldn’t move. He fell on his knees. He couldn’t breathe. He looks after princess and his blue eyes wetted. He cries moment and then he decided that he did everything that the princess could love him sometimes. Boy stood up and wiped his tears.

Then boy run after the princess. He hoped that he could found her yet. He run and run, but he never found her. He sat down and lowered his head on his palms. He couldn’t help but he started cry. He sobbed and promises himself that he’ll never kill again. Only thing that he wished was that he could have the princess.   
And there she was. She smiled for guy and stretches her hand. Boy rose up his head and watched the princess. The princess’ green orbs locked his blue one. Then boy smiled back and took her hand. He stood up never broken the eye contact. And the princess hugs him and kissed him…”

“No way! The princess never could kiss a murderer”, Buffy sighed.
“Buffy, please! I try to tell my story. Just shut up!” Spike hissed
“But this not fair… The princess couldn’t kiss somebody who’s killed people”, Buffy thought.
“Well, okay… The princess didn’t kiss boy. She only hugs him. Then…”
“But why she hugs him while she just turns up her nose for him?” Buffy asked.
“Oh, bloody woman! ‘cause this is a love story!” Spike explained.
“Oh yeah… But it still hasn’t sense…” Buffy thought.
 “Just listen’”, Spike commanded and continued: “Ye, then the princess pulled away and only smile to boy. Then she turns away and walked away from boy. Boy cries out ‘the princess’ and then everybody turns they side and the princess smile fells down. Boy put hand to him mouth and gasped. Now everybody knew who the lost princess was. The princess turns away again and ran away scary from her eyes…”

“Why princess didn’t want to go back to the kingdom?” Buffy asked.
“’cause she thought she’d should hide her power”, Spike explained.
“Did she have power?”
“Ye… She’d very strong”, Spike answered with grimace and eye rolled.
“Just like me?” Buffy shrieked.
“Ye… Just like you”, Spike conformed and continued: “Can I continue now?”
“Uh huh… But explain first, why the princess thought she should hide her power?” 
“Well, ‘cause… Err… Well, ‘cause someone told her that her power were bad thing.”
“Oh… Why someone told her so?” Buffy asked sadness.
“Dunno… But anyway I continue now… Then the princess run away and leave boy again. Boy closed his eyes and screams away his bad mood. He knew he shouldn’t scream, but he can’t help about it…”

“Why he shouldn’t scream?” Buffy asked with wide eyes.
“Arght, Buffy! Keep your mouth even second, please!” Spike cried out.
“Sorry”, Buffy whispered and turn her face away.
“Sorry, luv. I shouldn’t yell to you, pet”, Spike replied and hugged her and gives a kiss from her forehead.
“That’s okay…” Buffy smile and continued: “You should continue now.”
“Ye… Thanks, luv. Well, everyone turn from boy’s side and then they realized who he was. Boy understood that everybody knew now that he’d been the murderer. Boy run to the same direction what the princess run too. He runs over kingdom line and there he saw the princess. The princess didn’t notice him yet and she felt so lonely. But boy came and hugged her on the back side. The princess put her head from his shoulder and smile. Then boy picked her up and told her that he’s also very strong. Princess never answered ‘cause she was sleeping now. Then boy carried her to the safe place and they lived happily ever after…” Spike end of story and looked Buffy. He smiled and pushed her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. She looks so beautiful when she sleeping, well she looks always beautiful but still.
“Sleep well my little princess”, Spike whispered her ear and nuzzled it. 
« Viimeksi muokattu: 29.11.2015 22:37:32 kirjoittanut Pikku Lupin »