Kirjoittaja Aihe: What age means to us? || S, paritukseton, ikälistoja, in english  (Luettu 1750 kertaa)


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  • Viestejä: 1 171
  • Oot kuuma.
Rating: S // Scarlett muokkasi ikärajan vastaamaan uusia sääntöjä
Genre: drama, humour
Language: english
Summary: What different ages mean to muggles and wizards? Let´s see.


One - Parents take care of you
Two - small talk
Three - you know we love you
Four - no no no
Five - no more baby
Six - school rocks
Seven - my dog is so cute
Eight - plans with mummy´s shoes
Nine - so you have friends
Ten - you think you are old enough
Eleven - listener
Twelve - is there shopping centers?
Thirteen - baby one more time
Fourteen - ugly
Fiveteen - wanna be
Sixteen - sweet again
Seventeen - you got brain
Eighteen - it is all allowed
Nineteen - sexy one
Twenty - smart

Harry Potter:

One - Orphan
Two - where is mummy?
Three - we don´t spoil you
Four - no no no
Five - I hope I could fly
Six - I could fly
Seven - no more Dudley at school
Eight - flash of magic
Nine - or so noble or so strong
Ten - orphan slave and wizard safe
Eleven - Hogwarts, here I come
Twelve - so you have friends
Thirteen - have some godfather
Fourteen - now I´m celebrity
Fiveteen - angst
Sixteen - she is his sister
Seventeen - chosen one
Eighteen - time to love
Nineteen - years later
Twenty - just The Boy Who Lived
« Viimeksi muokattu: 16.11.2014 14:53:59 kirjoittanut Scarlett »
Mitä tapahtuu ficissä, jossa päähenkilö kirjoittaa ficciä? Ficcinception, K-15


  • ***
  • Viestejä: 411
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