Kirjoittaja Aihe: Dignity and pride, ?/D (viittaus) || PWP Angstromace || S-ficlet ENG.  (Luettu 2047 kertaa)


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  • Viestejä: 2 255
  • You won't get out of life alive - so chill.
Title: Dignity and pride
Beta: hiddenben
Genre: Agstromance, vähän PWP
Author: minä :D
Paring: ?/Draco viittaus (Mary Sue (minä) tai Hermione)
Raiting: Sallittu kaikille finiläisille
Summary: Sometimes people don't want to tell that they love someone. There are many reasons, but sometime it can just be dignity or pride.
A/N: Antakaa anteeksi, englanti ei ole vahvimmasta päästä, mutta haasteeseen on aina vastattava. Haasteen antaja ei halunnut nimeään julkaistettavaksi (ei halua elää myötähäpeässä :D ), mutta hän sanoi haluavansa englaninkielisen ficin, jossa joku on ihastunut johonkuhun, muttei voi tunnustaa sitä jostain hieman typerästä syystä. Joten tässäpä tällaista.

Dignity and pride

Lonely sigh ran away between my lips. I really didn’t know why Draco made me feel like that. His looks were elaborate and his gray eyes glared like two diamonods - independent diamonds.  I sloped my head slowly and  blinked my green eyes before I moved my glance to professor Snape. Professor was speeking something about wizards and behaviour, but I couldn’t catch man's speech. His cold and impassive voice resounded lonely in silent classroom. Students were watching their books, Slytherines - of course - just enjoyed the moment, and why wouldn’t they?

I heard Harry's deep voice right next to me. I turned my head a bit and Ron's eyes catched me for a second. Boy smiled little and whispered something to Harry - Harry Potter, the boy who lived. I grinned to myself and started to leaf through my book blindly. Severus was still speeking and now I heard Draco's voice too. My attention moved to that boy and book closed quietly.

”…we have to learn something like that?” boy sounded a bit annoyed. I noticed that Severus didn’t sit anymore. Man had risen up and came closer: ”Malfoy, I didn’t asked your opinion, did I ?”
”No”, Draco sweeped his head and let his blond hair fly a while, ”You didn’t. That’s why I told my opinion.”
Severus noticed my stony glance and tryed to smile lowly: ”Yes, and I respect that. I guess out little sweetass Gryffindors can’t do the same thing.”

”I can show you’re wrong”, Harry had opened his mouth. I closed my eyes because I knew I didn’t want to see what was going to happend.


I waved to Ron and Harry and jumped the last steps before I came to the dineing hall. Noise was something that you couldn’t tell to your friend, who hadn’t ever visited in Hogwards. I beam a little smile on my lips and crane my neck to see were there any free places left. Ginny waved at me so I stepped closer. Girl smiled and kicked the chair in front of her so I could sit on it.
”Where’s Harry and Ron?” Ginny beam a smile to doors.
”They wen’t to do some homeworks”, I clicked my neck and smiled, ”They are way behind me.”
“Of course they are”, Ginny sweeped her red hair and leaned her little chin to her palm, “But let’s talk about you.”
I raised my eyesbrowns and grabbed a piece of cake on my plate: “About me?”

Ginny smiled eyes almost closed: “About you and Malfoy.”
I almoust asphyxiated when I heard Dracos name. How did Ginny knew? I haven’t told anything to her.
”Take it easy”, Ginny laughed and passed me a juice.
”How can you know?” I caught to my hands that I had risen in front of my mouth.
”I’m a girl”, Ginny still smiled, ”Do the math.”
”Am I so transparent?” I felt tears in my eyes. Cake tickled my throat nastly. I saw how Ginny turned around and back: ”You know, Malfoy is kinda sweet.”
”Maybe his looks are, but not that what's inside of him”, I tried to swallow the nasty feeling while my glance lost to Draco.
”You can’t know that”, Ginny noticed my eyes, ”You don’t know him.”
”I know”, I answered slowly and quietly, ”But I don’t know do I want to know him.”

Ginny puckered her eyebrowns: ”What do you mean?”
I moved my eyes to my friend and shrugged my graceful shoulders. Ginny flicked hair in front of her eyes and started slowly: “Maybe you should talk to him - “
“No way”, I made myself laugh.
“ - and you might - just might - get the answers to your questions.”
I rolled my tong between my cheeks, but shaked my head: “No way.”
“You should try.”
“There’s no way I’m gonna talk with Draco”, I still shaked my head.

“But you have been so long time fallen with him”, Ginny started again, but I couldn’t listen her advices anymore.
“He-is-Draco”, I hissed between my teeth, “It can’t bee possible that he could like someone like me.”
“Why not?” Ginny didn’t loose her eyes of me.
“Because he is a Slytherin!” I sloped my hand to my mouth and took a look around me.
“It doesn’t mean anything”, Ginnys eyes didn’t even blinked, “It’s just a stupid -”

“It means to me”, I raised up and beam a misarable glance to my friend. Ginny raised too, but I shaked my head: “I just can’t lose my dignity in their eyes.”
Ginny opened her mouth, but I almost ran away.

I just couldn’t do that. Draco was a Slytherin, I was a Gryffindor - there wasn’t any change to us. I wasn’t because of the stupid hut, it was because of me. I had my stupid dignity and pride.
« Viimeksi muokattu: 15.06.2011 17:18:03 kirjoittanut Scarlett »
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