Kirjoittaja Aihe: InuYasha, Pilgrim's Kiss, K-11  (Luettu 3836 kertaa)


  • Writer by heart
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 19
InuYasha, Pilgrim's Kiss, K-11
« : 02.07.2009 20:14:28 »
Author: Layenne
Pairing: Sesshomaru ja... mieluiten ei tietysti kukaan...
Rating: K-11
Fandom: InuYasha
Genre: drama&romance
Disclaimer: Tarina ja lähes kaikki hahmot kuuluvat suurenmoiselle Rumiko Takahashille.
Summary: Tämä novelli on omasta mielestäni sen verran lyhyt, ettei tästä kannata lähteä sepostamaan turhan paljon. Idean käsittää, jos on joskus muinoin seurannut tai seuraa yhä InuYashaa.
A/N: Olen uusi tulokas täällä Finissä, joten en heti lähde vuodattamaan uusimpia novellejani. Eräs tietty finiläinen suorastaan pakotti minut julkaisemaan jotain ja niinpä olin itkeä silkasta onnesta, kun löysin tämän poltettujen levyjeni alta.

Ole kiltti ja lue tämä ensin. Kirjoitin tämän ficin jokunen vuosi sitten, kun olin palavasti rakastunut InuYasha nimiseen animeen. Sittemmin luin myös mangatkin ja suorastaan huumaannuin. Ficin väsääminen oli siis minun tapani päästä irti tästä sarjasta ja palata todellisuuteen. Koska ficci on niin vanha, siinä on lähes varmasti virheitä… mutten raaskisi niitä korjatakaan.. Koska tämä on sen verran ’symppis’ novelli minulle. Tarina on sutattu helpoksi englanniksi, joten sen lukeminen pitäisi luonnistua yläasteen englannillakin ja ai niin toivottavasti maistuu…

Check out my latest amv. Beat of Rin's Heart

                                                                   Pilgrim's Kiss 

“Lord Sesshomaru, are you sure this is the way to that unspeakable villain’s hide-out? There doesn’t seem to be much resistance here”, Jaken explained looking towards a destroyed village.
   “Positive. I can sense Naraku’s scent of miasma strong here”, answered Lord Sesshomaru watching intensively the passing clouds of smoke.
   Jaken fixed his eyes upon the peculiar thing what had caught his master’s attention. Blink of light ahead grew larger by the second. Moreover, it seemed to come to their direction.
   “What is that thing?” asked Rin cautiously behind Aun. “Is it a demon?”
   Lord Sesshomaru quickly told Rin that it was best, if she went to the nearby forest and let no one to see her. Rin agreed with absolute obedience. Although, never once did Lord Sesshomaru take his piercing eyes off the sharpened light. Jaken stood beside his master, not knowing, what would lie ahead.
   “Lord Sesshomaru?” asked strange looking woman who had just a moment ago walked briskly from the light that had now dimmed considerable. Woman’s narrow eyes were almost entirely absorbed by whiteness of her pupils. She was dressed in a black kimono.
   Lord Sesshomaru stared plainly at her, thinking.
   “Who are you? And how dare you approach Lord Sesshomaru?!” Jaken shouted angrily.

   “I have merely come here to give Lord Sesshomaru a powerful tool against the force of disturbance called Naraku”, odd lady spoke and looked like she was actually serious.
   “What is this weapon of yours? And what made you think Lord Sesshomaru would need such assistance?!” again, Jaken shouted reddishly.
   Lord Sesshomaru calmly walked next to the intriguing woman with expecting look on her face. By doing so, it looked like, in Jaken’s opinion, that the woman was hugging his great master. Shortly, Lord Sesshomaru wiped the poor woman in half with his poisonous claws without any hesitance. The mysterious lady did not even scream.
   “What is this madness?” panicked Jaken leering rapidly around himself.
    Lord Sesshomaru’s yellow eyes glanced at the forest. “Rin?”
   The cheerful little girl was hopping merrily towards Jaken and Lord Sesshomaru with a huge smile on her pretty face. She was holding hands with a female youkai who was wearing a white kimono with a red honeycomb and flower crest at the collar and sleeves, quite alike Lord Sesshomaru’s.
   “Nice to see you, Sesshomaru”, female demon smiled sincerely. Her eyes were pale blue and her long hair golden as autumn wheat.
   “Mirabella”, said Sesshomaru wearily.
   “Oh, so you do remember me”, replied Mirabella.

To be continued... (Yllä oleva on muuten vihon sivun mitta, jos ihmettelette lyhyyttä.)
« Viimeksi muokattu: 01.06.2015 15:32:44 kirjoittanut Beyond »
        Write from your heart
         Write from your soul
     Make a best of your talent
       And don't Ever let it go
           Not for anything


  • Writer by heart
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 19
Vs: Pilgrim's Kiss
« Vastaus #1 : 03.07.2009 09:15:22 »
Toinen sivu...

   Rin ran happily to master Jaken and whispered deviously: “She was supposed to marry Lord Sesshomaru a long time ago. That’s what she told me, and I think she still has a thing for Lord Sesshomaru”, Rin giggled out.
   “Silence, Rin!” demanded Jaken and was about to continue when Lord Sesshomaru interrupted him.
   “What is your purpose?” Lord Sesshomaru asked blandly.
   “Cold as usual, Sesshomaru, but still I was pleasantly surprised that you’ve accepted a mere human girl to accompany you”, Mirabella said as Jaken looked stunned. Sesshomaru appeared to be deep in his thoughts. “I had to send a decoy, since we were once to be engaged but you haven’t changed your manners”, she told with disappointed sigh. I never got rid off the memory we once shared, Mirabella thought quietly.
   “I don’t have time for this”, Lord Sesshomaru answered icily. “Go to my Mother’s, she is sure to welcome you there.”
   “I expected nothing less of you, Lord Sesshomaru”, Mirabella replied humbly but her eyes became more determent than ever. “Your Mother has weakened greatly, my Lord. And this is why my powers simply do not reach the heavens like they used to.”

   “She has come to ask your help, my Lord”, Rin told without fear.
   Sesshomaru stood still for a moment before making a strict glance at Jaken and Rin. “We are leaving.”
   “But that is the honest truth! If you could just escort me to the palace, your Mother…” Mirabella pleaded. She had swallowed her pride although it was extremely difficult for her to do so.
   Lord Sesshomaru’s eyes widened turning clear red. His appearance was about to change. Jaken watched closely as his master returned to his gigantic canine form. Was he about to eat her? Mirabella felt nostalgic sense filling her inside when she stared at Lord Sesshomaru. She too then transformed herself into a magnificent canine, though still female, she had her red ribbon tied to her luscious tail.
The two incredible creatures examined each other with mild interest. Finally Lord Sesshomaru rose up to the sky followed by Mirabella.
   With the aid of his telepathic abilities Jaken was able to hear his master tell him that this wouldn’t take long. Rin was waving her arm and smiling widely. “Do you think that lady will come back? She sure was fond of Lord Sesshomaru.”

« Viimeksi muokattu: 03.07.2009 20:51:32 kirjoittanut Layenne »
        Write from your heart
         Write from your soul
     Make a best of your talent
       And don't Ever let it go
           Not for anything


  • Writer by heart
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 19
Vs: Pilgrim's Kiss
« Vastaus #2 : 03.07.2009 21:02:20 »
Kolmas sivu... ihan vain kaikkien Houkutusfanien riesaksi...

“Be quiet, Rin! Stop making such insulting remarks!” Jaken screamed unable to punish the grinning little girl.
   High up in the sky two mighty canines ran above white plump of clouds. Doesn’t this bring back memories? Mirabella asked wistfully by telepathy but was not to be answered. You sure don’t speak when it’s unnecessary…
   The palace is right over these clouds, Lord Sesshomaru told with his deep voice.
   At the long stairs of the palace they transformed back into a more suitable appearance.
   “I should be grateful for taking me this far but you aren’t coming to see her, are you?” Mirabella said tiredly. It had took a lot of her strength to reach the cloud palace even with Lord Sesshomaru.
   “You should rest”, Sesshomaru uttered gazing through the exhausted demon.  
   “You are right. But I am the only one who can increase your Mother’s powers”, agreed Mirabella. “Must you leave?” she asked sadly and raised her arm.
   Lord Sesshomaru turned his back on the beautiful demon who stood in front of him. “I already did more than you asked me to. There is no need for me to stay.”

Lord Sesshomaru’s appearance as gigantic taiyokai was put into use once again and so he disappeared into the vapouring cotton candy clouds.  On his way back to Rin and Jaken, Lord Sesshomaru tried to figure out what could have possibly weakened his Mother that severely. The illness sure gave Mirabella a perfect excuse to see him. He remembered Mirabella as a young adult youkai who always managed to take his mind off the most important things to minor details.
   It had maybe escaped from Mirabella’s sight but Lord Sesshomaru had long examined her in order to find the thing in Mirabella which interested him so greatly. The thought of hunting down Naraku graved his mind unbearably but an old acquaintance stirred his troubled thoughts.
“Master!” yelled Jaken overjoyed: “That woman sure was pestering you, my Lord.”
   “Such a trivial matter, Jaken. Come now, we’re going.”
   Rin sat on Aun squinting intensively at Lord Sesshomaru. “Are you sure, my Lord?” she asked in a muffled voice.
   “What?!” squeaked Jaken and stared Rin in disbelief.

« Viimeksi muokattu: 06.07.2009 17:08:23 kirjoittanut Layenne »
        Write from your heart
         Write from your soul
     Make a best of your talent
       And don't Ever let it go
           Not for anything


  • Writer by heart
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 19
Vs: Pilgrim's Kiss
« Vastaus #3 : 04.07.2009 21:08:06 »
Neljäs sivu...

   “You are right, Rin”, Lord Sesshomaru replied and turned his face towards the sky.
   “My Lord, what do you mean by that?” Jaken prattled confused.
   “The stench scent of maleficent youkai aura. It didn’t come from the village, it had been brought by wind from the sky”, Sesshomaru enlightened Jaken.
   Eager to hear more Jaken left the reins of Aun to Rin.
   “So, this is the true reason why Mother wasn’t feeling well. Curse that Mirabella!” growled Lord Sesshomaru turning angrily his hand to a fist.
   “How are we going to proceed, my Lord?” asked Jaken searching a clue from Lord Sesshomaru’s blank face.
   “What else? I am going after the scent.”
   “Very well, my Lord.”
   As Lord Sesshomaru’s canine figure was out of reach the second time Rin was allowed to speak again. “Master Jaken, do you think Lord Sesshomaru still holds feelings for that lady? He looked worried.”
   “Rin, how many times do I have to tell you, Lord Sesshomaru does not… although, I wouldn’t know, master never entrusts me this sort of things… and I had never seen that peculiar woman before…” pondered Jaken. “Stop putting such nonsense in my mind!”
   “I still hope she comes back”, laughed Rin happily.
   What a simple-minded girl, Jaken thought. “Why?”  
   Rin shook her tiny shoulders: “Back in the forest when that lady hugged me, I felt so fuzzy and such a motherly feeling coming out of her…”
   Jaken’s frog-like mouth was wide-open. What is it with this naive girl?
   Rin’s childish round face became more vacant as she realised: “I know, master Jaken, Lord Sesshomaru just isn’t the type, is he…?”
   In the meantime Lord Sesshomaru had reached the palace over the clouds. The scent of strong miasma was all over the place which made him grew angrier to himself by the minute. The structures in the middle of the palace were being destroyed by a vicious demon who looked like a giant centaur. He was fighting fiercely against a canine with a red ribbon on her tail.
   “Out of the way!” Sesshomaru ordered Mirabella stiffly. He could see she was injured.
   “Who are you, meddling fool?” shouted the grand centaur with blood tripling from his muzzle.
    “I was about to ask you that. Your primitive skills are no match for my superior powers”, Lord Sesshomaru explained with echoing voice.

« Viimeksi muokattu: 06.07.2009 17:01:23 kirjoittanut Layenne »
        Write from your heart
         Write from your soul
     Make a best of your talent
       And don't Ever let it go
           Not for anything


  • Writer by heart
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 19
Vs: Pilgrim's Kiss
« Vastaus #4 : 06.07.2009 10:06:23 »
Satuni viides sivu...

   “Superior powers, you say?!” howled the other demon: “See what you’ll like of this!”
   Bright colours stroke holes to the ground under the centaur’s hooves and created marvellous waves of earthquake which shake the whole palace yet Lord Sesshomaru did not budge.
   “You are not even worthy of my breath”, reclaimed Lord Sesshomaru and wielded out his sword bellowing: “Dragon Strike!”
   With a flash of blue lighting the huge centaur was slammed on the ground and vaporised by the heat of hell which had poured out of Lord Sesshomaru’s sword, Tokijin. “That was a waste of time”, Lord Sesshomaru stated and put Tokijin in its sheath.
   “Sesshomaru!” screamed a familiar voice in the palace. Mirabella was in trouble.
   After she had left Lord Sesshomaru to battle against the demon she and Sesshomaru’s Mother had reluctantly hid themselves deep within the palace. However, once Tokijin had beaten the demon something inside Sesshomaru’s Mother made her pass out completely. Her heart beat ever so slowly and it appeared that she was going to die.

   Slowly, Lord Sesshomaru walked with his Tensaiga wielded towards Mirabella and his Mother.
   “You came”, Mirabella sighed calmly.
   “Tensaiga is useless to her. It can not revive her if she wants to die”, told Lord Sesshomaru staring his Mother’s resting body which gently laid on a fleece. She seemed so peaceful.
   Mirabella’s eyes were filled with tears: “Wait.”
   Lord Sesshomaru fixed his judging gaze upon distraught Mirabella: “All this has been nothing but a waste of mere time.”
   Mirabella started shaking her head stubbornly as her bitter tears broke through: “Those were the words meant for me! I meant nothing to you then and now even less… yet I am stupid enough to still manage to love you!” As Lord Sesshomaru saw Mirabella’s torn face he was able to see Rin. The little missy was crying through Mirabella. “…I would kill for a kind word from you… just this once, please”, she begged.
   Lord Sesshomaru glanced at Mirabella without any expressions on his chill face. “I am leaving.”
   “Sesshomaru! Please, let me come with you even if it is just to end of the clouds.”
   “Do as you wish.”
   “Thank you.”

« Viimeksi muokattu: 06.07.2009 17:02:24 kirjoittanut Layenne »
        Write from your heart
         Write from your soul
     Make a best of your talent
       And don't Ever let it go
           Not for anything


  • Writer by heart
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 19
Vs: Pilgrim's Kiss
« Vastaus #5 : 06.07.2009 18:22:12 »

The thick white clouds had gathered intensively around Lord Sesshomaru and Mirabella as they pranced through them. In a strange way Mirabella felt like she was safe.
   “Ummm… I am grateful that you came back. Honestly, I didn’t believe you would…” Mirabella mumbled. She wasn’t sure of anything anymore.
   All around them the moist mist of white cotton candy surrounded them. Mirabella couldn’t see a thing except Lord Sesshomaru’s spiked pauldron that covered his left shoulder attached to the upper section of his cuirass. It was at this very moment when Lord Sesshomaru realised he could actually hear Mirabella’s own impetuous thoughts. He couldn’t fully understand why.
   …What did you think of me then…

   …Not even once you told me that you tolerated me…

   …Am I truly that repulsive…?

   They had been quiet for some time now, not a word had been spoken between them. And still the thick mist everywhere made it purely impossible to detect anything.
   Then all of a sudden Mirabella felt warmth in her heart which filled her head to toe. Lonely and kind embrace when profaning a holy shrine with most unworthy hand, the lesser sin was that. Statues of saints were touched by pilgrims’ hands, so placing palm-on-palm was a holy pilgrim’s kiss.
   Clouds were finally gone and Lord Sesshomaru couldn’t read Mirabella’s mind anymore. Mirabella was facing Lord Sesshomaru an astonished look on her face. She considered everything to be a part her imagination and wistfulness, nothing more.
   Lord Sesshomaru frowned when he saw Mirabella smiling, just smiling. As he descended down to Rin and Jaken, Mirabella waved her hand once. 

   But inside she still felt it. A warm and fuzzy feeling of truth.

        Write from your heart
         Write from your soul
     Make a best of your talent
       And don't Ever let it go
           Not for anything


  • ***
  • Viestejä: 28
Mikä teitä finiläisiä vaivaa?!
« Vastaus #6 : 06.07.2009 20:18:26 »
Rakas Layenneni, lähetän sinulle valtavan etähalin. Toivottavasti et pahoita mieltäsi, koska vastaukseni ei ole englanniksi, mutta poltin päreeni tänään Finin kanssa täysin. Siksi paneudunkin TÄRKEYSjärjestyksessä ensimmäiseen, eli ficciisi vastaamiseen.

No niin. Luin koko tarinasi, joka tuntui siltä, kuin olisi lukenut satukirjaa. 'Sivut' eivät olleet liian pitkiä tällaisellekaan, jolla on aina kiire. Englantisi on ihastuttavaa, juuri sellaista millaisena sinut muistan ja varmaan muistavat myös ne monet... /Virheet eivät hypelleet silmiini, lähinnä vain huvittivat.../

Ensimmäisessä sivussa ihastuin siihen miten sinun luomasi Jaken oli niin ic-mäinen kuin mahdollista! Jaken oli täsmälleen itsensä. Samaa voisi myös laajentaa muihin hahmoihin. Tämä tarina ei todellakaan ollut 'out of character' missään mielessä.

Rakastin tätä kohtaa erityisesti.
Her eyes were pale blue and her long hair golden as autumn wheat.

Ahh, toinen sivu... Rinin ilkikurisuus tuli hyvin ilmi! Pidin siitä aivan tosissani! Se tyttö on muutenkin niin vekkuli eikä taatusti mikään Sesshyn leikkikalu. Hyvä, että syvensit tarinaa hieman... pinnalliset hahmot, joita niin usein joutuu lukemaan, ovat niin kovin rasittavia.
Was he about to eat her? Ei... ei.. ei näin.. ^_^ Tuli ihan eräs tietty volume mieleen... Olikos se Sesshyn äiti, joka näin kysyi...? *tarkistaa* ...kyllä.

She too then transformed herself into a magnificent canine, though still female, she had her red ribbon tied to her luscious tail.
Minulla kai vinksahti jokin, mutta tämä lause osui ja upposi. Ihana!

Kolmas luku jätti minulle ainakin yhden tutun englanninkielisen sadun maun suuhun. En paljasta sitä tässä. Tahdon nähdä hoksaavatko muut sitä.

!!!!Cotton candy clouds!!!!!! Yritätkö kiduttaa minut hengiltä? Suloista!

an old acquaintance stirred his troubled thoughts.
Kylmät väreet menivät selässä.

Neljäs luku taas syvensi tarinaa sopivasti. Miksen minä tajunnut tuota? Jonkun olisi taas pitänyt InuYashalle tyypillisesti huudahtaa: "What is that?" ja jonkun vastata nerokkaasti. "It's a giant chicken."

“I know, master Jaken, Lord Sesshomaru just isn’t the type, is he…?”

Huoh. Näinhän se juuri on.

Viides luku oli kamalan huolestuttava, pelkäsin, että se menisi ihan lällyksi ja Sesshomaru julistaisi pian kuolematonta rakkauttaan tai toisinpain... Luojan kiitos, olet sen tason yläpuolella Layenne!
To the end of the clouds! Miksiköhän tuo vetosi aivan mielettömästi minuun! ...And beyond!

Viimeinen luku... surkeus...
Onneksi kukaan ei oikeasti sentään kykene lukemaan ajatuksia, vaikka jossain 'Houkutuksessa' sekin kai on niin hemmetin mahdollista...

Lonely and kind embrace when profaning a holy shrine with most unworthy hand, the lesser sin was that. Statues of saints were touched by pilgrims’ hands, so placing palm-on-palm was a holy pilgrim’s kiss.

OMG! Siis tämä vei minulta jalat alta. Aivan käsittämättömän kaunista ja minäpä tiedän mistä se on! Kuinkahan moni tajuaa, mitä tuossa tapahtui...

Sitten offaan ja paljon!! Aivan hävettää, että koskaan puhuinkaan Finfanfunin puolesta. Silloin ajattelin miten esimerkillisen kohteliasta ja ystävällistä porukka täällä on. Moni asia on ilmeisesti muuttunut!

Olen aina karsastanut näitä 'muita tekstejä' ja nyt vielä pahemmin! Kammosin ajatusta edes tulla Toiseen Ulottuvuuteen ja nähdä se koko hiuksetpystyyn nostattava määrä jotain Houkutusficcejä! Miksi pakotit? Ajattelin. Mutta nähdessäni, ettei kukaan ollut vaivautunut saati viitsinyt laittaa sinulle vastausta olin järkyttynyt!

Tälläiseksiko meno täällä on mennyt? Dissataan kaikki ne, jotka aloittelevat ficcien kirjoittamista ja luetaan jotain massaroskaa (<- tulen kuulemaan vielä tuosta) En peittele sitä ettenkö inhoaisi Houkutusta kaikessa muodossa... ja niin.. tulee melkein paha olla, kun painostin sinut, Layenne, tänne...

Annatko anteeksi?

Minä en näe mitään syytä siihen miksi tähän ei olla vastattu... mutta älä ainakaan ajattele, että se johtuisi sinusta! Olet ihana, kekseliäs, päättäväinen ja rohkea tyttö. Muista aina pysyä sellaisena, vastamäessäkin!

Huh. Mammuttikommentti on puhunut. ^^


♥♥Tiedätkö, minussa on kohta, jossa sormenpääsi yhä lepäävät...
Suudelmasi yhä viipyilevät...
Ja kuiskauksesi kaikuvat pehmeästi.
Se on paikka, jossa osa sinua on ikuisesti osa minua