Kirjoittaja Aihe: Voltron: Morning After (Matt/Shiro, Fluff & Mild Language in English, K-11)  (Luettu 2956 kertaa)


  • old but not obsolete
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 4 630
Shiro's chuckles were muffled by the massive bed head Matt was sporting.

Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Title: Morning After
Author: Beelsebutt
Beta Reader: Kunfetti
Main Characters: Matt/Shiro
Genre: Fluff with Mild Language, Post-Series
Word Count: < 500
Verse: Writing the Vows / Valojen vannomista (S) -> Morning After
Rating: K-11

I saw this (nsfw-ish? Rated: S though) and it filled me with so much fluff that I just had to write something small as a thanks to Luddleston for all the wonderful Shatt she's been creating <3

This fic is a standalone, but I imagine it happening in the same verse as 'Writing the Vows', so you can check that one too, if you wanna. Also, I wanted to tell you that the work title for this one was 'Enormous Bed Head' bc, frankly, I'm really proud of it, lol.

Thanks to Kunfetti for helping out with the grammar <3

Disclaimer: Voltron fandom doesn't belong to me. I'm not making money with this nor do I want to. Just having fun with borrowed characters. I'll return them! ...eventually.

Morning After

"Well, this is new."

Matt slowly ascended from the depths of his slumber. There was a bead of sweat on his back and a crick in his neck from using Shiro's bicep as his pillow the whole night.

"What's this now?" He mumbled, yawning widely, turning his head to see Shiro wide awake. "Dude, you're like a radiator!"

Shiro chuckled. It was a stereo effect. Matt could hear the laugh but also feel it vibrate against his skin.

"You didn't seem to mind during the night," Shiro mused, kissing Matt's hair.

"Yes, yes, you're a very good big spoon," Matt reached out to pat Shiro's cheek. "Fucking beefcake."

Shiro's chuckles were muffled by the massive bed head Matt was sporting. Not that he cared about his hair, though Shiro sometimes complained how it got in his mouth when they slept together.

"What did you mean by it?" Matt asked after a beat, remembering the words he had woken up to.

"The new thing?" Shiro said. "Well, waking up like this."

Matt snorted.

"What, us sleeping together? Fucking each other? We've been doing it since we were fourteen. Well, not the fucking part, although there was this one time when I had my hand down your pants—"

Shiro's chest trembled under Matt, and he glanced up to see him covering his face, his arm muffling his laughter.

"You've forgotten already? Man, it's all downhill from here," Matt snickered, digging his elbow into Shiro's ribs for a good measure.

"Quit laughing. I've never done this before!"

"Again, what?" Matt repeated, wiping the rest of the sleep from his eyes.

"This," Shiro said, grabbing Matt's left hand with his prosthesis, caressing his fingers and the ring that was placed on one of them.

"Oh, that," Matt sobered up, a warm feeling seeping into his chest. And this time it had nothing to do with the hot body next to him. Well, actually, it had everything to do with it.

"Yes, that. I've never woken up beside my husband before."

"Don't get all sappy with me, Shirogane-Holt," Matt scolded, aiming for cool, casual tone, but still managing a voice crack by the end. He turned around and buried his face in Shiro's neck. "Love you, babe."

"Love you too," Shiro hummed in Matt's hair, pulling him even closer, tangling his fingers into Matt's hair. His breath kept tickling Matt's scalp, but as long as his fingers kept massaging said scalp, he really didn't mind.

« Viimeksi muokattu: 18.08.2018 13:51:10 kirjoittanut Beelsebutt »
Beelsebuttin laari
sometimes my brain doesn't work so brain


  • Vieras
Tämä oli hyvää ja sopivaa lounastaukolukemistoa. Olipas ne söpöjä. Mä jo jotenkin tuossa matkanvarrella pelkäsin, että jotain pahempaa on tiedossa, mutta toi olikin äärimmäisen söpöä.  ;D Kuolen söpöyteen ja nyt mäkin haluan kirjoittaa jonkun menemään naimisiin, että voin kirjoittaa aamun ensimmäisestä heräämisestä puolison vieressä.  8)


  • old but not obsolete
  • ***
  • Viestejä: 4 630
Volde, ei mun maailmaani mahdu enää mitään pahempaa ja kauhistuttavaa, pelkkää umpihöttöä sokerikuorrutteella! Ja joo, kai oot jo kirjoittanut naikkutarinan? ;D

Kiitos kommentista <3
Beelsebuttin laari
sometimes my brain doesn't work so brain