"Apparition becomes increasingly difficult with the distance to be travelled. Inter-continental Apparition should only be attempted by the most highly skilled of wizards.", sanoo Potterwiki. Eli välimatkan pituus riippuu velhon taidoista, mutta mitä pidemmälle tähtää, sitä hankalampaa on. Tuo lainaus varmaan antaa jotain osviittaa siitä, millaiset pituudet on mahdollisia, eritoten jälkimmäinen virke.
Artikkelissa oli mainittu myös pohtimasi kohta. Siitä sanottiin näin: "Apparition may have a certain range. In 1998, Lord Voldemort was seen by Harry Potter as flying towards Malfoy Manor, thinking to himself that he would soon be near enough to Apparate. This could explain Voldemort's need to fly to places to check on his Horcruxes, as he may have been out of his range to Apparate. However it is more likely that there are anti-Apparition spells protecting those areas, such as Nurmengard, which would have these spells because it is a prison.".