Harry Potter -ficit => Godrickin notko => Aiheen aloitti: LunaLovegood - 31.03.2014 11:43:49

Otsikko: Lies | S | raapale | Dr/Hrm | In English
Kirjoitti: LunaLovegood - 31.03.2014 11:43:49
Author : Luna
Rating : S
Pairing : Draco/Hermione
Challenge: Spurttiraapale III

Little lies, he said, it didn’t mean anything. Like I believed him. Only one thing in this all was certain; he had cheated on me. He had lied to me, when he had said he loved me.

He didn’t love me. I don’t even know why I ever trusted him. He used to me a Death Eater for goodness’ sake! Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater.  Always someone you can’t and shouldn’t trust.

I’m an idiot. I’m supposed to be the brightest witch of my age, but I fail in such a thing. I fell in love with the wrong guy.